Zhineng Qigong

Chi energy’s role for healing and well being has been recognized through the emergence of Polarity Therapy, Reiki healing, and acupuncture in Bellmore. However, a practitioner is required for all of these therapies. To orient and generate prana (life force) or Chi by yourself on a daily basis, there is a method that can achieve this; it is known as chi kung or qigong.

A person can still take charge of his health by practicing Qigong while the efforts to diminish access to herbs and supplements within the States and in Europe increase. Through qigong, people can impact the subtle life energies that influence their health.

The History of Qigong

The healing tradition of Qigong goes back about five millennia ago in China. Ancient practitioners were innately aware of the faint energies of Chi and how they impact their bodies. Many types of Qigong have emerged over the years all based on the same principles. Even Tai Chi, which is considered by the Chinese Communists as a form of defense art, came from Qigong.

Chi or Qi refers to the life force while gong refers to everyday effort. The book, China’s Exercises for Health Zhineng, in 1997 was officially declared the best for healing by the Sports Bureau of China.

A Chinese medical doctor named Pang Ming clinically tested Zhineng Qigong, which was introduced to the public prior to 2000. Since childhood, he had been taught by several Qigong masters until he was good enough to be feted the title, Qigong Grandmaster. Before that, all types of Qigong were limited and very esoteric. Dr. Pang decided to create a huge accessible center to train andcure people and to prove the medical efficacy of Qigong.

Without the benefit of public advertising, thousands were drawn to the Zhingeng Qigong Training and Healing center. Conventional medical physicians were around to diagnose students/patients before and after their stay and for emergency purposes. No special diets, herbs, or medicines were used. But lots of Qigong practices were done to fill up the days!

According to a report entitled “A Summary of Healing Effects on Chronic Diseases of Zhineng Qigong,” done by Luke Chan, a Qigong Master, which was published in 1991 by the Center, out of 7,936 patients, an overall effective healing rate of 94.96 percent was achieved. (effective = 42.09 percent, very effective = 37.68 percent, and cured = 15.20 percent).” These outcomes were validated by conventional medical physicians.

For political reasons, the Center, unfortunately, was closed down in 2001, which was mostly due to the Communist’s over reaction to the peaceful practices of the Falun Gong group. This group gave the communists a tenuous reason to declare illegal for more than a hundred teachers and students affiliated with any type of Qigong group to assemble in one place.

Today, in other locations in China, Zhineng Qigong is still practiced with smaller groups, and Master Luke Chan imported that practice using a different name to the US, whilst other instructors migrated to Europe and Malaysia where they introduced Zhineng Qigong to millions under various names.

The Practice

There are three main movement sequences in phase one of this type of Qigong for improving healing andhealth. They are all performed mindfully and slowly. To attain every day effort or “gong,” a person needs to perform everyday for a hundred consecutive days; you start all over again when you miss one day!

To attain positive outcomes, one needs to practice this discipline on a daily basis. Most people are unaware of the Chi in and around their bodies. Chi awareness starts to rise after several consecutive days of practice.

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