Bellingham Acupuncture involves the insertion of fine needles into the body at specific points that have shown over thousands of years of practice to be effective in treating specific conditions and illnesses. There are 365 Classical points located along 14 Meridians, or lines of energy that cover the entire body.
Skillful location, insertion and manipulation of the needles achieve the desired effect. This is somewhat like knowing which switch in your home turns on which appliance.
Acupuncture should not be painful. It is important, however, that you feel the sensation of Qi, called ‘de Qi’. You may feel the arrival of Qi as a slight cramping, a dull achy feeling, a feeling like electricity, a tingling, or sensation of heat or cold. None of these sensations should be very uncomfortable. Occasionally, you may feel as if you’ve been stung by a bee. This should pass very quickly. If it does not, tell your practitioner so he can adjust or remove the needle.
The list of conditions which acupuncture can treat successfully is extensive. Certainly, Acupuncture is most effective for all kinds of pain. It is well suited for the treatment of acute pain such as sports injuries, pulled muscles and tendons, or twisted backs and ankles. Acupuncture is also very effective for chronic pain such as arthritis, Fibromyalgia, repetitive strain injury, or chronic back ache.
Acupuncture is very good for treating stomach & bowel disorders, ear, nose & throat disorders, asthma & breathlessness, paralysis, frozen shoulder, Carpel Tunnel Syndrome, and other such disorders.
Acupuncture is also most effective in treating addictions, phobias, anxiety and other such psychological problems. Acupuncture is also very useful for any kind of ‘wellness’ program. Stimulation of specific points to tone all the primary organ systems as well as the body as a whole. It is said, ‘needle Stomach 36 and live to be a hundred.’
There are 5 main components to Traditional Chinese Medicine; Acupuncture & Moxibustion being one. The others are Herbal Medicine, Tuina Massage, diet and nutrition, and finally such esoteric practices as Feng Shui, Qi Gong and I Ching. Each of these branches is a full blown practice in its own right.
Acupuncture points have been shown through modern scientific methods to be areas that vibrate at slightly higher frequency than the surrounding tissue. Furthermore, any kind of energetic stimulation will activate a given point and promote the flow of Qi in a specific channel. While needles have been developed as probably the most elegant method for stimulating Qi, applying pressure with the thumb or forefinger, lasers, directed sound vibration, or any kind of vibration has been shown to activate acupuncture points.
Knowing this, then, knowledge of acupuncture points and how Qi flows in the body may be useful to anyone who does healing at the energetic level, including those doing any kind of massage, therapeutic touch, Reiki, or any kind of similar therapy. In Reiki, Dr. Usui is said to have been able to activate the flow of healing Qi simply by blowing on a point or staring at it.
its really amazing how Chinese people learned this techniques and this really contributes to the field of medicine. And many people now benefits its.. Thank you for this nice post. keep it up