Auricular Acupuncture, An Alternative Treatment for ADHD/ADD

Prescribed pharmacological medications are simply symptomatic and are not intended to treat the causes of bodily conditions. And when they are prescribed to young children with ADD/ADHD, they tend to suffer from their undesirable and unwanted side effects. This article will deal with a novel holistic approach that combines the… Continue reading

Including Acupuncture for the Treatment of ADHD Can Lead to Its Complete Cure

In the United States, ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) is a condition that a lot of male children and some male adults seem to suffer from. In this country alone, there are about 4.5million individuals between the ages of 5 – 17 diagnosed with ADHD each year. Studies show that… Continue reading

Auricular Acupuncture Found To be An Effective Therapy for ADHD/ADD

Prescription pharmaceutical drugs are merely symptomatic and are not designed to address the factors that cause the dysfunction. And when it comes to giving them to children with ADHD/ADD, parents are worried about the potential complications and very harmful side effects in their young children. In this article, I would… Continue reading

ADHD/ADD are developmental issues in a person who is easily distracted and unable to concentrate, with or without accompanying hyperactivity

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and attention-deficit disorder (ADD) are developmental issues in a person who is easily distracted and unable to concentrate, with or without accompanying hyperactivity. The symptoms of one of these conditions must have developed in a person before he/she reaches 7 years of age that result in… Continue reading

Attention Deficit Disorder Preparing for Your Appointment

If you want treatment for you or your child’s attention deficit/hyperactive disorder (ADHD), you may first need to consult with your child’s pediatrician or your family doctor.  The results of your or your child’s initial assessment will determine whether or not the doctor will refer you to a specialist who… Continue reading