A Plan of Treatment for Treating Candidiasis

Every now and then, Candida, also known as Candida Albicans, or intestinal yeast, will be a topic of concern for some of my patients. Lately, however, a lot of patients have been asking me what it is and whether or not they have it. So, I decided to write an article about it to give people some perspective about what this condition exactly is and how they can deal with it effectively.

A very common fungus that basically almost everyone has, candida is oftentimes found in the intestinal tract in limited amounts. When it overgrows, that’s when it starts to cause problems in the body. It impairs the normal functioning of the bowel that may eventually lead to several other issues in overall health. Irritation and inflammation develop in the small and large intestine when yeast overgrows causing inflammation and irritation within the small and large intestine, that in turn lead to health problems in the body.

Mucus production increases when the bowel becomes inflamed and irritated. Small sacs called Diverticula then begin to develop within the lining of the bowel. These sacs can ensnare digested food particles and other fecal matter that eventually leads to an accumulation of sludgy deposit that begins to putrefy along the lining. This poorly oxygenated and moist matter gives the candida a good environment in which to thrive.

An overgrowth of candida can lead to issues such as diarrhea, constipation, gas, bloating and impaired digestion. Candida overgrowth may also be the underlying reason for other chronic disorders like depression, anxiety, concentration difficulty, and headaches.

The Symptoms of Candidiasis

So, what are the telltale signs indicating that you may have a Candida infection? A good place to begin further investigating whether or not you suffer from candida problems is the above mentioned symptoms. There is a website you can visit: (https://www.wholeapproach.com/candida/questionnaire.php). This is a site where you can take an Assessment Questionnaire if you suspect that you have candidiasis. This problem may indeed be playing a huge role in your health problems if you scored high on the questionnaire. You can seek a more solid diagnosis in a number of ways if you still need more proof. I recommend consulting with a reputable alternative medicine practitioner who does electro dermal testing, such as a naturopath, chiropractor, or acupuncturist. Electro dermal testing can determine to what extent Candidiasis is affecting your health. You can also have your stool or blood sample sent to a lab for evaluation, or you can also go online and purchase test kits.

How is Candidiasis Treated?

Generally, there are three parts for resolving your candida problem on your path to recovery: detoxification and immune support, a well-planned anti-fungal regimen, and dietary changes.

Detoxification and Immune Support

It’s important to get detoxification and immune support in your treatment plan. This is the area where you need the help of an acupuncturist. The detoxification process is an aspect of healing that for a lot of people involves lifestyle change that can be quite stressful and challenging. A lot of people have a strong craving for sugar and certain foods that need to be eliminated during the process of recovery. A great number of them have to deal with the mental and physical side effects such as irritability, digestive changes, fatigue, and headache.

Acupuncture is an excellent healing modality that can boost your digestive function, treat side effects, and control cravings throughout the healing process. It can also aid the body in adapting to the new stressors that you may encounter, relieving the anxiety and stress that you will experience. Moreover, acupuncture in Bellingham can help enhance your immune function, a very important thing since you are killing the yeast that has impaired your immunity in its wake. And lastly, acupuncture helps the body in the detoxification process, supporting the intestinal, liver, and kidney detoxification processes.

Anti-fungal Regimen

You will find a bunch of anti-fungal products available on the market today, which makes it hard to choose the one that’s best for you. But using anti fungals alone will not be enough to completely eradicate your problem. If you really are serious about eliminating the fungus, you need a few different products to do the job properly. I recommend that you use a good Psyllium Husk bulking agent that should be taken once or twice each day. This natural and gentle seed laxative tends to enlarge inside the intestine and scrape the walls clean while aiding the movement of food matter passing through the digestive tract.

A natural detoxifying agent known as Bentonite Clay should be used along with the psyllium. Bentonite is very absorbent and can absorb all of the dead yeast and their toxins into the clay, and then remove it from the intestine as it passes through.

Next, you may need to include a powerful effective anti-fungal agent that literally destroys the fungus. A liquid form of caprylic acid is recommended as it is a proven extremely potent anti-fungal agent and is widely available. All these products, psyllium, bentonite and caprylic acid can be mixed in a drink and drank once or twice a day.

This is how the mixture will combat candidiasis: when you drink it, it goes down into the intestinal tract. Water is absorbed by the psyllium husk and enlarges rubbing against the intestinal wall where the yeast has deeply imbedded itself within the sludgy muck that has accumulated over time. Then the fungal killer caprylic acid goes into the sludge, where it goes to work and destroys the yeast. The Bentonite clay then absorbs all of the dead fungi, and the psyllium scrapes it all out of the colon and small intestine.

Diet Modifications

You may have an idea about the nature of yeast if you’ve ever made bread from scratch. When you make bread, yeast is added to warm water and then added with sugar or honey to make them grow. The same thing happens in the yeast within the body: it increases in a moist and warm environment (the intestine) and grows when introduced to sugars. If you’re already suffering from Candida overgrowth, and you still eat starchy and sugary foods guess what will happen? The fungus multiplies like crazy, making your symptoms grow even worse.

The first recommended diet change is the removal of processed foods and flour, refined carbohydrates, and sugars. Each and every time you eat them, they all stimulate the overgrowth of yeast. Bear in mind that juices and fruits contain natural sugars as well, and should also be avoided, if not, limited.

Overly, hormonally, and chemically processed meats also need be excluded as they contribute to a highly acidic environment in the gut, which causes the yeast to thrive. Do not also consume hydrogenated fats as well as dairy products. Recommended is an increased consumption of vegetables that helps keep the fungus population under control and boosts the immune function of your body.

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