Dandruff Prevention

You can do so many things that can help prevent you from developing dandruff. And even if you have dandruff, there are things that can help you resolve this problem effectively.  Some of the effective and good tips in preventing dandruff are listed below:

Relieve your stress – One of the major factors that causes dandruff is stress. When you successfully overcome your stress your dandruff problem will become substantially reduced.

Eat a healthy and balanced diet – A nutritious and well-balanced diet benefits the whole body including the scalp. Avail of all nutrients, minerals and vitamins in your diet to improve the health of the scalp.

Treat scalp dryness – One of the major risk factors for getting dandruff is a dry scalp. One good treatment is to apply non-sticky and good oil on your hair to prevent the scalp from drying by helping preserve moisture in the scalp.  The scalp is more likely to become dry during winter season and cold weather so you may want to apply oil on your scalp daily during these types of weather.

Avoid or cut down using hair products – Sticky hair creams, gels and other hair styling products are unhealthy for the scalp especially when they are used everyday and a for long time. If you cannot give up using these products greatly reduce their use if you want to lessen your dandruff problem. These products spur the growth of fungus in your scalp and make you quite vulnerable for developing dandruff.

Eliminate sweating of your scalp – Too much sweating can irritate your scalp and may lead to dandruff.  So after work or exercise, wash your hair and keep it fresh.

Keep shampooing – In order to rid of foreign objects remaining in your scalp and hair and to maintain their neatness and cleanliness, you need to shampoo your hair every day.  To accomplish this, you need a good anti-dandruff shampoo to clean your hair and scalp help eliminate dandruff.

If the shampoo you are using has stopped being effective or is not really effective, replace it with a more effective one immediately.

In a nutshell, the problem of dandruff is a very common one and is quite easy to treat. It can become an annoyance and embarrassment and may take some time to be treated (since it tends to spread) when it’s left unaddressed for a long time. In order not to be bothered by dandruff, apply the aforementioned tips in your life right now.

Health Source Acupuncture
401 New Rd #211
Linwood, NJ 08221
Phone: (609) 248-6922

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